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Risk Management


The ability of a firm (a sector, an economy, etc.) to address and handle the root causes of crises and turmoil, and in the meanwhile building up the capacities and resources of the relevant system (internal system, macroeconomic system, etc.) in order to properly manage and deal with various types of risks, shocks, and stresses. Fostering resilience can help firms and economics to better manage all risks and economic/ financial shocks in order to ensure a system’s continuity and survival during the time of crises.

For example, in the banking sector, operational resilience means the ability of the entire banking sector to avert, react to, recuperate from operational disruptions, while learning from the hard experience in order to avoid such occurrences in the future.

Risk management is a collection of tools, techniques and regimes that are used by businesses to deal with uncertainty. This involves planning and ...
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