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Mutual Funds

Spread Load Contractual Plan

An alternative method of collecting the sales fees or loads (typically, annual) for a mutual fund in a series of smaller payments. As an option, it allows investors who make periodic contributions to a mutual fund account to spread the load payments across a series of smaller amounts, on a periodical basis.Nevertheless, the investor always has the option to revert back to fees payment in one lump sum amount.

For example, if sales fees for an investor in a mutual fund were set to be USD 10,000 for a period of 10 years, the investor, using a spread load contractual plan, may opt to an annual payment of USD 1,000 over the course of 10 years.

It is also referred to as load spread option .

Mutual funds are financial vehicles (investment funds) that pool contributions from many- or large number of- investors for the purpose of investing ...
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