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Mutual Funds

Rights of Accumulation

The cumulative amount (pre-determined levesl of investment) that an investor has in a mutual fund, and which qualifies him for a discount in sales fees (loading charges/ load). The proportion of a discount depends on the dollar amount paid by an investor for mutual fund shares. The higher the amount, the larger the discount is. For example, rights of accumulation discounts may start at specific currency levesl such as CU 30,000, and increase at yet higher levels, CU 80,000, CU 150,000, CU 250,000, all the way up to a specific threshold (e.g., CU 1 million), where the sales fees are completely eliminated.

It is also referred to as breakpoint.

Mutual funds are financial vehicles (investment funds) that pool contributions from many- or large number of- investors for the purpose of investing ...
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