Riba Mubashir – Fincyclopedia
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Islamic Finance

Riba Mubashir

Arabic (ربا مباشر) for direct riba. It constitutes an increment that a lender receives over and above the principal amount (asl al-qardh) of loan (qardh). This form of riba is common in credit transactions where loans are advanced against receipt of interest payments over or at the end of a specified repayment period. In pre-Islamic times, if a debtor was unable to repay the principal amount along with the accumulated interest, repayment period was usually extended, but for double the amount of loan.

This type of riba is also known as riba al-jahiliyyah (riba of pre-Islamic era), riba al-duyun, riba al-nasi’ah, or riba jali.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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