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Islamic Finance

Riba Jali

Arabic (ربا جلي) for apparent usury (ostensible riba/ manifest riba/explicit riba). It is a type of riba that arises in lending and borrowing transactions (loans or qurudh– sing. qardh). It involves payment and receipt of interest (excess amounts) over the principal amount (asl al-qardh). This riba is the one particularly prohibited in the Quran and hence is also called riba al-Quran.

Furthermore, fuqaha sometimes interchangeably use riba jali and riba al-nasi’ah to refer to the same meaning. It constitutes the additional amount which is paid by a debtor to his creditor over and above the principal amount of the loan. Riba jali is prohibited by shari’ah irrespective of the nature of loans (consumption loans, commercial loans, etc.).

It is the opposite of riba khafi (ربا خفي).

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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