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Investment Banking

Deemed Prospectus

A prospectus that is deemed to have been made by the issuer, though it is actually offered to the public by a third party or the so-called issue house. The issuer saves the underwriting expenses in selling its securities. It constitutes any document (offer document) whereby an issue for subscription is made, including all conditions and provisions for a standard prospectus with specific modifications as the case may require. The offer document represents an invitation by the third party or issue house, on behalf of the issuing company, to the public to subscribe to the securities being offered.

Therefore, a deemed prospectus (mainly from Indian terminology) is an attempt by a company to raise capital via a public offering without issuing an offer document or a standard prospectus.

A deemed prospectus is also referred to as a prospectus by implication.

Investment banking is a branch of banking that mainly involves (1) underwriting services and advisory services (together dubbed "core investment banking") ...
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