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Non-Diversifiable Risk

The risk that is inherent to the broader market. Non-diversifiable risk, also known as systematic risk, volatility risk, or market...


It stands for non-financial risk; a type of risk that is not financial in nature. It constitutes all types of...

Non-Financial Risk

A type of risk that is not financial in nature. It constitutes all types of risk other than financial risk...

Normal Distribution

A bell-shaped curve that depicts a continuous probability distribution for a real-valued random variable. For a range of measurement values,...

Non-Systematic Risk

An element of risk (specifically, price risk) that is diversifiable- i.e., major part of which can be eliminated by adding...


A contractual clause that is included in over-the-counter derivatives contracts in order to mitigate credit risk. It states that, if...

Neutral Hedge

A hedge that is designed to neutralize connection to market forces. It is a combination of market risk offsetting positions...