The practice of making changes in the industries of a portfolio's components or style weighting of such components in order...
Rebalancing a portfolio is the process aiming to sell or buy assets (e.g., securities) that have impacted the value of...
An acronym for portfolio insurance; a type of capital protection product that has no cap placed on its performance, while...
A type of capital protection product that has no cap placed on its performance, while typically offering synthetic participation in...
A portfolio evaluation approach which simultaneously deals with different levels of risk and return, rather than holding one variable constant...
A group of assets which are owned or controlled by an investor (individual or institutional) in order to reduce risk...
An individual number that is used as a fixed-income portfolio's target performance or desired result. Most often, bogey refers to...
A portfolio whose investments are transacted at benchmark prices. It is constructed on the assumption that trades would be costless,...