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Active Bond Portfolio Management

An investment policy whereby managers take certain direct action prior to final maturity of underlying bonds in order to gain...

Portfolio Tilting

The practice of making changes in the industries of a portfolio's components or style weighting of such components in order...

Portfolio Rebalance

Rebalancing a portfolio is the process aiming to sell or buy assets (e.g., securities) that have impacted the value of...


Rebalancing a portfolio is the process aiming to sell or buy assets (e.g., securities) that have impacted the value of...

Exogenous Portfolio

A portfolio whose composition is exogenously (externally) determined. In other words, an exogenous portfolio is constructed from components selected using...


An acronym for portfolio insurance; a type of capital protection product that has no cap placed on its performance, while...

Portfolio Insurance

A type of capital protection product that has no cap placed on its performance, while typically offering synthetic participation in...


It stands for minimum variance frontier; a depiction of various combinations of risky assets for a portfolio construction, each with...

Minimum Variance Frontier

A depiction of various combinations of risky assets for a portfolio construction, each with its specific risk-return characteristics. These characteristics...

Endogenous Portfolio

A portfolio whose composition is endogenously determined. In other words, an endogenous portfolio is constructed from components handpicked and selected...