The process of verification of the existence of illah and effective cause (ratio legis) in an individual case, after having...
In the context of companies and businesses, it is the excess of zakatable assets over short-term liabilities. Zakatable assets are...
Arabic (زكاة المتربص) for zakah/ zakat that is to be paid by an expectant trader (in Arabic spelling, al-mutrabbis)- i.e.,...
The process of verification of the existence of illah/ effective cause (ratio legis) in an individual case, after having broadly...
The process of refining the basis of a ruling (hukm) by extracting the specific ruling from the text (nass) in...
The process of refining the basis of a ruling (hukm) by extracting the specific ruling from the text (nass) in...
In a contract of al-kafalah (or al-kifalah), it is the party who provides assurances as to the performance of an...
Also fatwa in Arabic. It is a religious decree, edict, or legal ruling which is issued by an Islamic scholar(s)...
Arabic (جهالة يسيرة) for a type of jahalah that denotes "minor or slight ignorance" of some aspect of a contract...
In Islamic finance, ju’ala (also spelled ju'alah), جعالة in Arabic script, is a contract whose subject matter is a work...