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Riba Mubashir

Arabic (ĜħĜ¨Ĝ§ مĜ¨Ĝ§Ĝ´Ĝħ) for direct riba. It constitutes an increment that a lender receives over and above the principal amount…

Right To Claim Hawala

A hawala that involves the transfer of the right to claim from one creditor to another. The new creditor replaces…

Qirad Sukuk

A form of musharaka sukuk that is structured based on the contract of muqaradah (mudaraba), whereby the capital (ras al-mal) is…

Ijarah MBT

It stands for ijarah muntahiah bittamleek; an ijarah contract that ends up with the transfer of ownership of leased properties/...


It stands for ijarah muntahiah bittamleek; an ijarah contract that ends up with the transfer of ownership of leased properties/...

Qawa’id al-Fiqh

Arabic shari'a legal maxims, i.e., for legal maxims/ precepts/ propositions/principles of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). The fundamental matters (usul) in Islamic...

Ijarah Muntahiah Bittamleek

An ijarah contract that ends up with the transfer of ownership of leased properties/ assets from the lessor to the...

Haqq al-Shufa’ah

A contingent right (haqq) that comes into effect properties when are offered for sale. Specifically, it refers to the right…

Ijara Sukuk

Ijara sukuk (singular: ijara sakk) are certificates of equal value which are issued by the owner of an existing property…

Islamic Monetization

Originally known in Arabic as tawarruq, it is a transaction whereby a person buys an asset/commodity from a seller on…