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Non-Possessory Pledge

From a shari’a perspective, it is permissible to leave a pledged asset, with respect to a credit transaction, in the…

Mudaraba Capital

The capital that is provided by rab al-mal in a mudaraba contract. Put another way, it is the amount of…

Main Sources of Shari’a

Shari’a holds the center stage of Islamic religion as it defines the route Muslims have to follow in matters of…

Mulkiyet al-Khadamat

The right (haqq) to a service that is held by the service purchaser. Examples of services include education, travel, transportation,…

Bay’ ala al-Bay’

A situation that arises when a sale is concluded over a previous sale. More specifically, it is the case when…

Bay’ al-Khulu

A form of sale (bay’) in which the subject matter (mahall) is a right or concession to utilize some property…

Ba’i al-Barnamaj

Arabic (بيع البرنامج) for a wholesale trade that involves the sale (ba’i) of the units of a fungible commodity or…

Bay’ al-Namuzhaj

Arabic (بيع النموذج) for a wholesale trade that involves the sale (bay’) of the units of a fungible commodity or…

Aqd Al-Ishtirak

Arabic (عقد الإشتراك) for a contract (aqd) that entails sharing in ventures/ businesses and profits (ribh) through specific partnership (sharakah/sharikah).…

Aqd Mudhaf Ila Al-Mustaqbal

Arabic (عقد مضاف إلى المستقبل) for a contract (aqd) which comes into effect at a specific date in the future.…