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Khultat al-Ayan

Arabic (خلطة الأعيان) for a type or category of khultah that involves co-ownership of identified assets (ayan) such as real...

Mulk Tamm

Arabic (ملك تام) for complete/ full ownership; an ownership (mulk) where the owner has a full right over the property/...

Mulkiyyah Tammah

Arabic (ملكية تامة) for complete/ full ownership; an ownership (mulkiyyah) where the owner has a full right over the property/...

Milkiyyah Tammah

Arabic (ملكية تامة) for complete/ full ownership; an ownership where the owner has a full right over the property/ assets....

Ba’i Al-Mukhasarah

A contract of sale in which the seller reveals (or is under obligation to reveal) to the buyer his actual…

Bargaining Sale

In Islamic finance, it refers to the selling of a commodity at an agreed upon price irrespective of the original…

Ba’i Al-Ghayib

A type of sale (ba’i) in which the object of sale is not available at the contracting session (majlis al-aqd)…

Purchase with Instant Resale

Originally known as eina in Arabic, it is a transaction whereby a person buys an asset/ commodity from a seller…

Memorandum of Understanding for Mudarabah Financing

Mudarabah is a form of sharakah (partnership) in profit (ribh) whereby one party (rab al-mal) provides capital and the other…

Nazher Al-Waqf

Arabic (ناظر الوقف) for the manager of waqf (Islamic endowment); the custodian of an endowment (waqf) who undertakes responsibility for…