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Islamic Finance

Bay’ al-Khulu

A form of sale (bay’) in which the subject matter (mahall) is a right or concession to utilize some property for a preset price and a specific period of time. In return, the beneficiary or user (lessee, so to speak) pays a specific amount of money (rent or badal). In this sense, bay’ al-khulu is the sale of a usufruct (manfa’ah) that can be obtained from property, and hence it is a leasing contract. For example, a person may buy the right to utilize machinery in a leased factory for a given number of years. The seller will give the buyer access to the machinery in return for badal (or badal al-khulu).

Technically, al-khulu is Arabic for key money. Literally, it means “evacuation”. Bay’ al-khulu translates as sale of right or sale of concession.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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