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Arabic (مزارعة) for sharecropping; a partnership (musharaka/ sharika) in crops whereby one party (land owner) presents a piece of land...

Waqf ala al-Nafs

Arabic (وقف على النفس) for self-dedicated waqf; a form of waqf (Islamic endowment) in which the ghallah/ income/ usufruct of...

Ba’i al-Musawamah

An Arabic term that denotes “bargaining sale”. It is a type of sale (ba’i) in which the seller and buyer...

Ba’i al-Kali bil Kali

The sale (ba'i) of a debt (dain/ dayn) for a debt. Broadly speaking, it involves the exchange of two objects,...

Asset-Based Sukuk

A sukuk structure that involves the issuer purchasing the underlying assets and then investing, trading or leasing them on behalf...


Arabic (مزارعة) for sharecropping; a partnership (sharikah/ musharakah) in crops whereby one party (land owner) presents a piece of land...


A partnership (sharika) in which one party presents designated plants/ trees that produce edible fruits to another (irrigating worker- musaqi...

Waqf Khayri

Arabic (وقف خيري) for charitable waqf; a type of waqf whose proceeds are used to serve a specific group of...

Waqf Ahli

A type of waqf (endowment) in which a person (waqf initiator- waqif) designates oneself or some specified individuals as the...

Waqf al-Fuduli

Arabic (وقف الفضولي) for endowment by an uncommissioned donor or founder of waqf (waqif). The uncommissioned waqif unilaterally acts on...