A transaction whereby a person buys an asset/ commodity from a seller on the basis of deferred payment, whether through...
The use of coercion to force someone to do something without his/ her consent (ridha). Coercion or duress or compulsion...
A type of sale (ba’i) in which a city-dweller (al-hadhir) sells on behalf of a Bedouin or a desert dweller...
A contract of sale (ba'i) in which the buyer picks up the goods and pays the price to the seller...
The sale of a monetary amount in exchange for another monetary amount. More specifically, it is the exchange of one...
A form of prohibited sale (ba'i batil) in which a person or group of persons connive with a seller to...
Arabic (بيع العينة) for a round-tripping sale (or double sale) in which one party (actually the lender) sells another (actually...
It stands for displaced commercial risk; a risk exposure, in Islamic banks and financial institutions (IFIs), whereby the institution attempts...
A risk exposure, in Islamic banks and financial institutions (IFIs), whereby the institution attempts to remain competitive and withstand commercial...
Arabic (بيع Øبل الØبلة) for a type of sale prohibited sale (impermissible under shari'a) that was prevalent in pre-Islamic Arabia...