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Faskh al-Aqd

Arabic (فسخ العقد) for the termination (revocation, dissolution, faskh) of a contract (aqd) unilaterally (by one party to the contract)...


Arabic (فسخ) for revocation, cancellation, repudiation, etc. In relation to contracts (uqud, sing. aqd), faskh (i.e., faskh al-aqd) is the...


Arabic (فاسد) for unsound, invalid, voidable, not viable, foul, or corrupt. It is usually used to describe an act or...

Fadalah Contract

In Islamic fiqh, fadalah (or fadhalah) refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal) who...


In Islamic fiqh, fadalah (or fadhalah) refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal) who...

Fiduciary Risk

The risk that arises from failure or inability to operate in accordance with the norms and standards of fiduciary responsibilities....

Fiduciary Contract

A contract (aqd) where a party transfers the ownership of an asset to another party, known as the fiduciary (a...

Fadhalah Contract

In Islamic fiqh, fadhalah (or fadalah) refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal) who transacts (e.g. sells, rents, etc)...


In its literal meaning, fuduli refers to a person who interferes in matters that are none of his business. Technically,...

Fard al-Ain

Arabic (فرض العين) for individual duty or obligation. It is an act that is compulsory for every competent Muslim (man...