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An Arabic term (فتوى) that denotes "juristic opinion". It is a religious decree, edict, or legal ruling which is issued...

Fatwa al-Sahabah

Arabic (فتوى الصحابة) for a fatwa (religious ruling/ decision/ verdict) that was issued based on consensus reached by companions (sahaba)...

Fatwa al-Sahabi

Arabic (فتوى الصحابي) for a fatwa (religious ruling/ decision/ verdict) that was issued based on consensus reached by companions (sahaba)...

Fiqh al-Nawazil

Arabic (فقه النوازل) for a branch of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) that tackles contemporary issues (newly emerging issues). Such issues require...

Forex Wa’ad

A structure that bears resemblance to a conventional option (khiyar taqlidi). However, this structure uses wa'ad (promise) in a specific...

Forward Ijara

A type of ijara which involves the sale of a clearly specified underlying asset, which is currently being produced or...

Forward-Dated Ijarah

A type of ijarah which involves the sale of a clearly specified underlying asset, which is currently being produced or...

Forward Ijarah

A type of ijarah which involves the sale of a clearly specified underlying asset, which is currently being produced or...

Faskh al-Dayn bil Dayn

Arabic (فسخ الدين بالدين) for debt refinancing or debt restructuring. Debt refinancing is the replacement of an existing debt (dayn)...

Faskh al-Dain bil Dain

Arabic (فسخ الدين بالدين) for debt refinancing or debt restructuring. Debt refinancing is the replacement of an existing debt (dain)...