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Redeployable Asset

An asset or set of assets that has alternative uses or ways of deployment (in addition to their initially intended...


The chance or possibility that an investment's actual return diverge from expected levels. Risk denotes any uncertainty with respect to...

Return Multiple

A multiple measure that is used in assessing the performance of an investment or a fund (a private equity fund)....

Relative Value

The attractiveness of one investment (one asset, or a group of assets, etc.) in relation to another, for example in...

Real Rate of Return

The growth rate of an investor's purchasing power. It the interest rate that takes into account the effect of inflation....

Rate of Return

The percentage change in the value of an asset over a specific period of time (investment horizon). The following equation...


The absolute benefit (dollar gain) an investor receives from an investment over a period of time. If expressed as a...

Risk Parity

An investment strategy that hinges on the so-called risk allocation (rather than capital allocation) whereby investors target predefined levels of...

Realized Multiple

Another name for distributed value to paid-in ratio (DVPI); a return multiple that is used to assess the investment performance...


An acronym for residual value to paid-in ratio; a return multiple that measures the net asset value (NAV) of a...