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Approximate Q

An improved version of Q ratio (Tobin's Q) which relates the market value of a company plus the liquidating value...

Activity Ratio

A financial ratio that measures the speed with which various asset accounts are (or can be) converted into sales (accrual...

Asset Play

A share of stock that is attractive because it is incorrectly priced (i.e., its current price doesn't reflect the value...

Asset Turnover

A financial ratio that measures the number of times an asset has passed through inventory during the a specific period...

Alpha Transport

A method of transporting the active return (alpha) among asset classes by separating and transporting uncorrelated incremental returns from one...

Artificial Constructed Beta

A value of beta (systematic risk measure) that is constructed artificially when market-generated betas are not available (or cannot be estimated). To...

Alpha Core

The construction of a portfolio using active returns (alpha) as the primary driver of the construction process, instead of asset class betas. More specifically, this...

A/E Ratio

A financial ratio that relates assets to owners' equity. It is a measure of the proportion of total assets financed by a...

Assets-To-Equity Ratio

A financial ratio that relates assets to owners' equity. It is a measure of the proportion of total assets financed by a...

Accounting Value

The value of a company's common stock that is calculated based on its earnings per share (EPS) and the price/earnings...