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Historical MRP

The market risk premium (MRP) that is computed using historical data available for a past period. It is the observed...

Historical Market Risk Premium

The market risk premium (MRP) that is computed using historical data available for a past period. It is the observed...

Horizontal Risk

The risk that arises from inability of a hedger/ portfolio manager to hedge against a change in the shape of...

Hidden Leverage

A form of leverage that an entity can attain from an off-balance sheet item (asset, liability, financing activity, etc.) By...

Himalaya Protected Note

A protected note/ capital protected product (specifically belongs to the genre of performance select protected notes) that is structured so that each year, over...

High Coupon Bond

A bond that pays large coupons over its life. This bond typically sells at par, while the holder receives a...

High Rate Bond

A bond that pays large coupons over its life. This bond typically sells at par, while the holder receives a...