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A metaphor for an individual or institution that has the ability to detect the use of any strategy within a…

Scalp Trader

A trader who follows the very-short strategy of making lots of trades over short-periods of time (typically a few minutes).…

Sellers Over

A situation where the number of sellers, on a stock exchange, exceeds the number of buyers. Typically, this would pushes…

Smaller Reporting Company

According to Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act (United States), it is an issuer that is not an investment company,...

Stock Certificate

A written document that evidences ownership interest in a company. A certificate is not the actual stock, but rather a…

Street Name

The name of a brokerage firm which buys stock on behalf of a client (and as a result holds the…

Small-Cap Stock

A stock that is issued by a company with a market capitalization of more than $300 million and less than…

Soft Dollars

The payment for brokerage firm services that is secured by commissions received from trades. More specifically, an investor who has…


A market situation that occurs when price decreases incites traders holding long positions to sell their ways out of their…

Sell-Side Trader 

A trader who provides exchange services to buy-side traders (or investors). Sell-side traders either trade on behalf of their clients…