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Smart Order Router

A coding mechanism that slices a trading order according to the rules set out by an algo (algorithm) and then...

Split Down

A consolidation of outstanding shares (authorized and issued shares) that is carried out by a company to cut down the...

Seasoned Security

A security (debt security, equity security, etc.) that has traded for a period of time long enough (e.g., 90 days)...

Sell Plus

An order to sell plus- that is, it shall be executed only on a "plus" or "zero-plus" tick. This involves...


The difference between the expected fill price and actual fill price of an order/ trade: Slippage = expected fill price...


The difference between bid price (bid) and ask price (ask). It is the price difference between what a buyer is...


An instrument that is secured by an ownership stake (equity), debt obligation (note, bond, etc.), or contractual right (like options...

Switch Order

An order (buy or sell order) that is placed by a customer determining that it will consist of two transactions...

Swap Order

An order (buy or sell order) that is placed by a customer determining that it will consist of two transactions...