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Liquid Assets

Assets that can be converted easily into cash (or a monetary form) with relatively little loss of, or impact on,...


A statistical composite and method of measuring changes in the prices (and performance) of securities (e.g., stocks, bonds, etc.) and...

Excess Margin Securities

Those securities (aka margin securities), in a customer's account, that currently have a market value exceeding a specific percentage (above...

Margin Securities

Securities that are carried by a broker for the account of a customer in a margin account and in any...

Fully Paid Share

A share of stock for which the issuer has no right to request more payments from the holder as payment...

Fully Paid Securities

Securities for which the issuer has no right to request more payments from the holder as payment has been completed...

Fully Paid

A term describing or designating securities for which the issuer has no right to request more payments from the holder...


It stands for midpoint liquidity (MPL) adding liquidity only order (ALO); an MPL order that is designated with an ALO...


It stands for limit order book; a list (record) of outstanding or resting limit orders that is maintained by a...

Limit Order Book

A list (record) of outstanding or resting limit orders that is maintained by a specialist at an exchange/ trading venue,...