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It stands for market-on-open order; an order that is intended to be executed at the opening price in the first...

Market-on-Open Order

An order that is intended to be executed at the opening price in the first session in a trading day....

Off-Exchange Venue

A non-physical market place where a widespread assembly of dealers (market makers) and their clients transact away from the premises...

Open Price Gap

The time of a trading session that marks its opening or reopening. It is an order qualifier, open price gap...


It stands for open price gap; the time of a trading session that marks its opening or reopening. It is...


It stands for primary only (primary only order); a market order that is to be routed as a market-on-open order...

Inactive Security

A security that is not considered active in trading. In other words, the trading activity and turnover of an inactive...

PO Order

It stands for primary only order; a market order that is to be routed as a market-on-open order (MOO) to...

Primary Only Order

A market order that is to be routed as a market-on-open order (MOO) to the primary market for participation in...

Partial Order

An order that can be filled partly rather than in its entirety. In other words, such an order involves the...