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PNP Plus

It stands for post no preference order plus; an order (a PNP order) representing a limit order to buy or...


An order (sweep, or sweep order) that is filled by means of multiple sweeps taking place under the same trade...

Sweep-To-Fill Order

A type of sweep orders, specifically a limit order, that automatically fills in a designated market center, irrespective of quotations...


A type of sweep orders, specifically a limit order, that automatically fills in a designated market center, irrespective of quotations...


It stands for intermarket sweep order; a type of sweep orders, specifically a limit order, that automatically fills in a...

Intermarket Sweep Order

A type of sweep orders, specifically a limit order, that automatically fills in a designated market center, irrespective of quotations...

Sweep Order

An order that instructs a broker to sweep the entire book (order book) and then locate the best prices on...

Auto Ex Order

An order in a security that initiates an automatic execution immediately upon entry into an exchange system/ order book. Auto-ex...

Post No Preference Order

An order that is eligible to interact exclusively with interest on the same exchange. The order will not route, and...

PNP Order

It stands for post no preference order; an order that is eligible to interact exclusively with interest on the same...