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Bellwether Share

A share (or broadly a security) that is widely perceived by the market to be a representative of a specific...

Bellwether Stock

A stock (or broadly a security) that is widely perceived by the market to be a representative of a specific...

Block Crossing Network

A crossing network that only crosses block orders (institutional sized blocks, i.e., large institutional orders such as 10,000 shares). Retail...

Broker/Dealer Crossing Network

A crossing network that belongs to a broker/ dealer which also privately operates it. Examples include investment banks, brokerages, universal...

Block Crossing

A crossed trade which involves a large block of shares (institutional block), either on an exchange or through a dark...

Bear Market

A prolonged period (typically more than 400 days) in which market activity/ prices decline amid widespread pessimism or general negative...

Buy-Side Institution

An institutional investor that invests money at its disposal. Examples include mutual funds, pension funds, endowments, trusts, insurers, hedge funds,...


It stands for buying on weakness; in general, it refers to buying assets of a firm or country by long...

Buying on Weakness

In general, it refers to buying assets of a firm or country by long term investors who look out to...

Blue Room

A relatively small trading room on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) that is adjacent to the...