A metaphor that denotes a positive side to an otherwise negative aspect or occurrence. The positivity emerging alongside, or from...
In the context of planning, safety buffer refers to the number of days before a person or an organization derails...
It stands for status quo bias; a term describing the tendency of humans to go along with the status quo...
A term describing the tendency of humans to go along with the status quo or inertia (the default option). In...
A term describing a salesperson who follows an aggressive, pushy and superficial approach in sales. The tactics of a salesy...
A distinct form of the ecological niche that forms on the basis of a unique and specialized knowledge of a...
A business strategy (specifically, a distinct form of the ecological niche) that focuses on a product or service to set...
A business strategy (specifically, a distinct form of the ecological niche) that focuses on a unique and specialized knowledge of...
In connection with business or marketing research process, which involves, among others, data collection, secondary data refers to data or...
The quantity of products or services that manufacturers or service providers are willing to sell at different prices at a...