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Fair Value Losses

Changes (decrease) in values of assets and liabilities that are driven by changes in fundamental economic factors (such as price...

FV Losses

It stands for fair value losses; changes (decrease) in values of assets and liabilities that are driven by changes in...

FV Gains

It stands for fair value gains; changes (increments) in values of assets and liabilities that are driven by changes in...

Fair Value Gains

Changes (increments) in values of assets and liabilities that are driven by changes in fundamental economic factors (such as price...

Fair Value Through Net Income

An accounting method whereby changes (gains/ losses) in an investment's fair value (FV) are reflected in an entity's net income...


It stands for fair value through net income; in other words, changes (gains/ losses) in an investment's fair value (FV)...


It stands for fair value through net income; in other words, changes (gains/ losses) in an investment's fair value (FV)...

Fair Value Through Income Statement

A method of measuring financial assets/ financial liabilities whereby changes in fair value (for those items measured at fair value)...


It stands for fair value through income statement; a method of measuring financial assets/ financial liabilities whereby changes in fair...


An acronym for fair value through equity; a method (measurement base) of measuring financial assets/ financial liabilities whereby changes in...