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Fair Value Option

An option or alternative for an entity to use fair value (FV) as a basis for recording its financial assets/...

For-Profit Entity

An entity, weather organized in a corporate form or otherwise, that is engaged in profit-making activities including commercial, industrial, financial,...

Functional Currency

The currency that an entity uses to record and measure its transactions. A functional currency is used to present the...


It stands for foreign currency translation reserve; a type of reserve that is created to account for foreign currency translation...

Foreign Currency Translation Reserve

A type of reserve that is created to account for foreign currency translation (currency translation). Such a translation involves the...

Faithful Representation

An accounting concept (or principle) that entails that an entity's financial statements shall be prepared and produced in a manner...

Foreign Operation

The operations of a reporting entity that are based in a foreign country or are denominated in a currency other...


It stands for fair presentation; an accounting standards' requirement that an entity's financial statements should be presented in a fair...

Fair Presentation

An accounting standards' requirement that an entity's financial statements should be presented in a fair way to all relevant users...

Financial Risk

The risk of financial loss that arises from a possible future change in a financial/ economic variable or more, such...