Accounting estimates that are made using a method of measurement prescribed by the applicable financial reporting framework that is simple...
The power over assets or business that is expected to be attained in the future. More specifically, an entity controls...
An item on an entity's financial statements and books of accounts that is commonly reported and typically constitute the hinges/...
An item whose value or performance changes in reaction to financial risks or developments. These reflect possible future changes in...
Presenting an item as a heading or line item on assets or liabilities side of an entity's balance sheet. If...
For a manufacturer, it is a type of control account that tracks and control the indirect manufacturing costs (overhead costs)...
The risk that arises from potential fluctuations in the fair value (FV) or future cash flows of a financial instrument...
The cost, interest, and other charges that are incurred in the borrowing of money needed to acquire/ purchase or create...
Fair value (FV), as a measurement base, may not be always available due to specific reasons or factors. Alternative values...
Fair value (FV), as a measurement base, may not be always available due to specific reasons or factors. Alternative values...