Non-Performing Loan – Fincyclopedia
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Non-Performing Loan

A loan that carries a very high risk of default (100% probability of default), with the worst credit grade on an applicable scale. As the name implies, non-performing loans are those that do not function as intended in terms of full and timely payment of interest and repayment of principal.

Non-performing loans are associated with the risk of late repayment or are unlikely to be repaid by the borrower. Under accounting standards, non-performing loans are classified as risk elements in lending and potential problem loans (IAS) or stage 3 (IFRS).

Non-performing loans have historically been on the rise during financial crises and economic downturns and the subsequent recessions. Banks, at crisis time tend to witness a build-up of such loans in their books.

Non-performing loans are known for short as NPLs.

Banking is an integral part of the modern financial system and plays an important role in an economy. It basically involves the so-called intermediation (e.g., ...
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