The interest rate at which a forward rate agreement (FRA) is traded. In other words, it is the agreed rate...
A situation that arises when US dollar’s value is depreciating relative to a specific foreign currency or a basket of…
An Arabic term (بيع بالثمن الآجل) that translates as “sale with deferred payment” or “sale on credit”. Technically, it refers...
A forward contract whose underlying is a credit default swap (CDS). It is a contract to take a buyer’s position…
A power reverse dual currency note (PRDC note) which grants the issuer the right to choose which of the note’s…
Arabic (بيع الأعوام) for a type of sale (ba’i) in which the underlying object is an agricultural produce (such as...
A double diagonal spread that is established by selling a call diagonal spread and a put diagonal spread (i.e., it…
An interest rate swap that grants the fixed rate payer (or also the floating rate payer) the right to terminate…
Arabic (بيع البرنامج) for a wholesale trade that involves the sale (bay’) of the units of a fungible commodity or product…
A power reverse dual currency note (PRDC note) that gives the issuer (a bank, for example) the right to call…