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It stands for currency-protected swap. A cross currency basis swap which doesn’t involve currency conversion. For example, assume short-term interest…


A certificate that is issued by a company granting the right to the holder to buy a specific number of…

Currency Convertibility Option

The right of the holders of a given local currency to dispose of their currency holdings in exchange for goods…

Acceleration Life Insurance

A type of insurance policy under which the insured receives a certain percent of the death benefit (usually 25%) on…

Currency Swap Option

An option that gives the holder the right to buy or sell a currency swap at a specified exchange rate…

Black Tuesday

It was October 29, 1929, the day the New York Stock Exchange crashed as stocks lost 13% of their value.…

Commercial Paper Rate

Though LIBOR rate is the most commonly used floating rate in fixed-for-floating interest rate swaps, other rates also are occasionally…


In contract law, it is an agreement to an offer. Both offer and acceptance are essential for contract formation. For…

Coverage Period

The interim interval in a swap or other periodic reset agreement when a pre-defined set of terms is applicable. For…


A debt reduction method whereby an individual who owes more than one debt pays off first the smallest one, then…