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Riba Mubashir

Arabic (ربا مباشر) for direct riba. It constitutes an increment that a lender receives over and above the principal amount…


In general, drawdown (also draw-down) refers to a reduction in the value of an asset/ investment/ account/ fund below its…

Right To Claim Hawala

A hawala that involves the transfer of the right to claim from one creditor to another. The new creditor replaces…

Drop-Lock Swap

An interest rate swap in which the fixed rate payment is reset in response to a pre-agreed change in market…

Drawdown Swap

An interest rate swap whereby the notional principal amount (NPA) grows over its time to expiration. Such a swap is…

Qirad Sukuk

A form of musharaka sukuk that is structured based on the contract of muqaradah (mudaraba), whereby the capital (ras al-mal) is…

Digital Swap

A swap structure which entails the extension or cancelation of the agreement at a specific point in time during the…

Taxable-Equivalent Yield

The yield on a taxable bond issue after income taxes are paid. It is computed as follows: taxable-equivalent yield =…


An acronym for debt exchange for common stock. It is a convertible security which constitutes a listed structured product issued…

Ijarah Muntahiah Bittamleek

An ijarah contract that ends up with the transfer of ownership of leased properties/ assets from the lessor to the...