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Worst-Of Multi-Barrier Reverse Convertible

A variant of barrier reverse convertible (BRC)- a structured product– that is subject to more than one barrier (a continous…

Destructured Asset Swap

An asset swap that is combined with a structured note. The swap is effectively used to convert the note into…

Window Barrier Reverse Convertible

A variant of barrier reverse convertible (BRC)- a structured product– in which the barrier strike is only active for a…

War Chest

A fund of liquid assets (cash or cash equivalents) which a company earmarks to pay for a takeover of another…

Whole Loan Collateral

A collateral, in a repo transaction or CMOs, that comes in the form of a whole loan. For whole loan…

Delta-Gamma-Kappa-Rho Hedge

A complex hedging technique which is designed to mitigate different risk exposures usually associated with options. Those exposures are often…

War Bond

A debt security which is issued to savers by a government for the purpose of collecting money that will be...

Duration of a Swap

A measure of a swap‘s value sensitivity to interest rate changes. The duration of a swap is equal to the…

Tax-Equivalent Yield

The yield on a taxable bond issue after income taxes are paid. It is computed as follows: tax-equivalent yield =…

Delta Hedging

A hedging technique which aims to make the price of a set (or portfolio) of derivatives immune to small movements in…