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Islamic Finance


Arabic (رخصة) for a dispensation or permission or exemption as given by shari’a to Muslims in specific circumstances (e.g., illness, age, travel, force majeure, poverty, coercion, etc). This involves permitting a more relaxed application of shari’a rules and precepts due to a pressing need or necessity. In this sense, rukhsah is an exception to the general injunction or prohibition of an act.

Rukhsah (sing. of rukhas) might also be translated as tolerance or laxity or indulgence.

Rukhsah is usually classified as rukhsah mubahah, rukhsah mandubah, rukhsah wajibah, and rukhsah makruhah.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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