It stands for managerial value at risk; a type of VaR that represents a monetary estimate of risk using statistical...
A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from positions related to investments in currencies...
A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from potential changes in a foreign exchange...
A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from potential changes in a foreign exchange...
Foreign exchange risk (FX risk) is defined as the potential adverse effect arising from changes in the exchange rate between...
A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from positions related to investments in currencies...
A type of risk that relates to severe drops in an entity's stock price in an active market. As a...
A source of non-traded market risk that arises from potential losses to the value of assets and liabilities of an...
A mortgage REIT (mREIT) that represents private entities (not government agencies) investing in mortgages not guaranteed by the government. These include...
A collateral, in a repo transaction or CMOs, that comes in the form of a whole loan. By nature, whole...