Provision – Fincyclopedia
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A liability whose timing and/ or amount are uncertain (whether arising from a legal or constructive obligation). It is an amount put aside in an entity’s accounts to cover a liability that may arise in the future. Setting up a provision involves a large degree of estimation and judgment given the fact that the amount, timing, and in many cases the parties in question are not known with certainty. Differently stated, a provision is an account which records a present obligation of a business (an entity) (in the statement of financial position or balance sheet) as a result of past events or transactions.

Examples of provisions include provision for customer claims, provision for product warranty, provision for bad debts, and provision for income tax, among many others.

Accounting is the language of business, everywhere, worldwide. It is the means by which virtually every business communicates information about its operations, irrespective of size, scale, objectives, ...
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