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Carve-Out Financial Statement

A financial statement that is prepared to provide information about a certain component of a business such as a segment, business unit, or product line. Carving out may involve the net assets and results of operations of an entity (the carved-out), isolated from those of a larger entity for the purpose of financial reporting specific to the carved-out entity.

Carve-out financial statements usually reflect the separate financial results and financial position of a subsidiary, an operating unit, a product line, or a brand. The financial statements prepared and presented for that particular purpose may or may not be of a legal entity, but rather a virtual entity. Preparing financial statements for a virtual entity can involve certain complexities relating to the basis of presentation of the distinct financial statements.

Carving out of financial statements is a decision reflecting certain practicalities of a planned divestiture. When determining the need for carve-out financial statements, a reporting entity should consider the nature of any prospective divestiture, including any contractual or regulators-imposed reporting requirements. At times, transactions or any related deal financing cannot be considered completed until carve-out financial statements are provided.

When the carve-out financial statements are to be included in a stock exchange filing, the process is subject to the form of the filing, the annual and interim financial statements required, the duration of the financial statements, among others.

Carve-out statements are derived from the financial statements of a larger parent entity. The need for such statements is determined or assessed as per a certain transaction (known as a carve-out transaction) such as a sale, spin-off, initial public offering (IPO), or special-purpose acquisition company transaction involving a portion of a parent entity. Moreover, such statements are necessary to account for specific types of transactions as a means of clearly presenting or showcasing the portion of a parent entity’s balances and activities that are being emphasized (i.e., carved out).

Accounting is the language of business, everywhere, worldwide. It is the means by which virtually every business communicates information about its operations, irrespective of size, scale, objectives, ...
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