Appropriation – Fincyclopedia
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The act/ process of setting aside money for a specific use/ purpose. For example, reserves are created by setting aside a specific amount/ a percentage out of net profits. More specifically, a general reserve is formed by debiting profit and loss (P/L) and crediting the general reserve account with the same amount. Retained earnings are also created out of net profits. However, these earnings will be appropriated- i.e., allocated, for specific uses/ purposes (appropriation of retained earnings). Appropriated earnings can be assigned to multiple uses/ purposes. A prime example is the investments made with appropriated earnings for setting up of a new company or purchasing assets, repayment of debts, marketing, financing research and development, etc.

The amounts set aside are usually moved to an account known as an appropriation account.

Accounting is the language of business, everywhere, worldwide. It is the means by which virtually every business communicates information about its operations, irrespective of size, scale, objectives, ...
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