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Islamic Finance

Al-Kharaj bid Dhaman

A shari’a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called dhaman. In shari’a, it is impermissible that an individual or institution earns profit without assuming a liability for losses that may arise in association with the earning process. In this sense, the capital provider, in mudharaba or mudharaba-like transactions, is entitled to profit because all operational losses (those not caused by negligence or misconduct on the part of mudharib) will be debited from the mudharaba capital.

However, a lender (in qardh, or interest-free and theoretically risk-free loan) cannot take any compensation or reward from a borrower, as the loaned money is not subject to operational risks (the borrower is obliged to return the loan principal in full at the specified payback time).

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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