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Dhaman al-Mulkiyyah

Arabic (ضمان الملكية) for ownership risk; it is a central and fundamental concept in Islamic finance (and broadly fiqh al-muamalat)...

Yad Dhaman

A situation where a person takes possession of an object or a form of wealth as an owner (malik) or...

Security/ Guarantee in Ijarah

By nature, an ijarah contract creates a liability on the lessee in the form of payable rental (ujrah), which gives...

Al-Kharaj bid Dhaman

A shari'a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called dhaman....

Al-Kharaj bil Dhaman

A shari'a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called dhaman....