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The act or process of taking risk, whether intentionally or unintentionally. In its juristic sense, mukhatara is a condition for…


In the context of selling (ba’i or bay‘- البيع), ribh (in Arabic script: ربح) refers to the difference resulting from…

Qawa’id al-Fiqh

Arabic shari'a legal maxims, i.e., for legal maxims/ precepts/ propositions/principles of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). The fundamental matters (usul) in Islamic...


The act or process of taking risk, whether intentionally or unintentionally. In its juristic sense, mukhatarah is a condition for…

Necessities Justify That Which May Be Unlawful

A shari’a maxim or rule (in Arabic: qa’edah shar'iyyah) that is often interpreted to mean that an indispensable necessity may...

Ibaha Asliya

A general shari'a maxim (قاعدة شرعية) that all commercial and financial activities are originally permissible by the primary sources of...

Al-Kharaj bid Daman

A shari'a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called daman....

Al-Kharaj bid Dhaman

A shari'a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called dhaman....

Al-Kharaj bil Dhaman

A shari'a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called dhaman....

Al-Kharaj bil Daman

A shari'a maxim which bases the entitlement to revenue on corresponding liability for bearing losses (khasara), or the so-called daman....