The process of setting and designing the possible options for decision making with respect to a specific issue or subject-matter. This involves a role played by the so-called choice architect whereby the context for such a decision making is organized to take place as per the pre-defined settings. This process is key in influencing behavior as the way in which different options are defined and presented has a huge, indirect, impact on the choices humans make.
Examples of choice architects include 1) a salesperson that defines the possible alternative goods or a combination thereof, 2) a government agency that designs a ballot for voters to use in the voting process, 3) a physician who sets out the alternative treatments available to a patient, 4) a broker who provides a customer with a list of securities for investment, etc.
Choice architecture helps businesses direct the behavior of consumers, while retaining their sovereignty (as manifested in the right to decide and choose). This process involves nudging consumers to make certain choices.