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Financial Encyclopedia

ABCFincyclopedia ©

A one-stop hub for financial education in multiple spheres and across a wide array of disciplines. It provides up-to-date definitions, terms and concepts about finance, investment, financial markets, instruments, products, exchanges, trading, mutual funds, hedge funds, portfolios, derivatives, forex, banking, real estate, insurance, and valuation, among others.

Latest Terms

Unfunded Swap

A swap in which the investor (the long) pays an upfront amount (funding) in return for the total…
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Preferred Equity

A type of equity with certain rights and features that distinguish it from ordinary/ common equity. Preferred equity…
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Short Termism

A tendency to concentrate on the short term for making immediate results. In corporate sector, managers and executives…
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Funded Swap ETF

A swap exchange traded fund (swap ETF) in which the underlying swap is of the specific type of…
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Funded Swap

A swap in which the investor pays an upfront amount (funding) in return for the total return of…
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System-Level Investing

A type or approach of investing that builds on the conventional approach (that is limited to risks of…
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Cryptocurrency ETF

An exchange traded fund (ETF) that employs the traditional structure of a fund while investing in digital currencies…
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Swap Exchange Traded Fund

An exchange-traded fund (ETF)- specifically, a type of synthetic ETF, that replicates its index with a swap transaction…
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Mezzanine Debt

A type of debt (financing) that creates a bridge (mezzanine) between a company's senior debt and equity. One…
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Crypto Exchange Traded Fund

An exchange traded fund (ETF) that employs the traditional structure of a fund while investing in digital currencies…
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Content is categorized into distinct sections, each with its own focus and perspective, and in each of which a yet more focused content is provided. The encyclopedia contains a huge universe of terms and entries covering everyday jargon and terminology of the financial world in different walks of discipline and specialization.

A collection of articles shed more light on all the topics and concepts relevant to the main themes of this website. The “question and answers” section provides concise and precise answers to a wide array of questions encountered on job and in learning. Tutorials puts at your disposal educational materials and how-to guides and instructions. Tools include ideas, insights, books, publications, reports, and financial calculators, excel sheets, among others.

Last but not least, in “pulse” and “editorial”, market developments and ongoing events are placed in the spotlight to establish a sense of connection between financial knowledge and practical aspects.

One-Stop Hub

Overall, Fincyclopedia is a one-stop platform for financial knowledge that uses a focused approach, as reflected in a compartmentalized or segmented pool of resources across multiple, distinct sections and sub-sections, each handling a specific area. This approach is meant to help users and learners identify their relevant areas of interest before digging deeper and fine-tuning toward desired results. For example, a given word (like abandonment) bears many meanings in different contexts such as business, banking, finance, derivatives, and insurance, to mention just a few.

The section-level alphabetical index and the built-in search function are designed to make search and comparison much easier. In “topics” section, the entire content of Fincyclopedia will be classified under main headings or root terms that enable the users to obtain a better perspective about common terms and their multiple uses across various contexts.

Term of the Day:
  • Fair Value Premium of Futures
    The difference between the futures value (the theoretical value of a futures contract) and the spot index value (cash index price) which brings the futures… Read more

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Terms and Definitions


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