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Zakah Base

In the context of companies and businesses, it is the excess of zakatable assets over short-term liabilities. Zakatable assets are...


Arabic (نصاب) for the lowest amount of wealth that, if reached or exceeded, makes zakah (zakat) obligatory. It is not...

Net Invested Funds Method of Zakah Base Determination

The zakah base (receptacle) is typically determined by an Islamic bank by applying 2.5% for a lunar calendar year or...


Zakah is one of the five pillars of Islam (in addition to shahada- i.e., pronounced and believed-in faith, prayer, fasting,...


Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam (in addition to shahada- i.e., pronounced and believed-in faith, prayer, fasting,...

Waqf al-Zakah

Zakah, as a type of ibadah, is concerned with money, wealth or property. By definition, it is an amount of...

Waqf al-Zakat

Zakat, as a type of ibadah, is concerned with money, wealth or property. By definition, it is an amount of...

Zakat al-Waqf

Zakat, as a type of ibadah, is concerned with money, wealth or property. By definition, it is an amount of...