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The index of US government bonds with a 9-month maturity (9-month notes or in general 9-month treasuries). It measures the...


The index of US government bonds with a 6-month maturity (6-month notes or in general 6-month treasuries). It measures the...


The index of US government bonds with a 3-month maturity (3-month notes or in general 3-month treasuries). It measures the...

Substitution Swap

A bond swap that enails swapping substitute bond issues experiencing short-tem imbalances in yield spreads. The imbalance will correct itself…

Sector Swap

A bond trading strategy in which profits are made by changing yield spreads among different sectors of the bond market....

Intramarket Sector Spread

The yield spread between two issues within a market sector. An example of the intramarket sector spread is the yield...


The index of US government bonds with a 3-year maturity (3-year bonds/ notes or in general 3-year treasuries). It measures...

Intermarket Sector Spread

The yield spread between the yields offered in two sectors of the bond market with the same maturity. A prime...

Absolute Yield Spread

The difference in yield to maturity (YTM) between two bonds (bond issues) or two classes of bonds with similar maturities....

Quality Spread

The yield spread between non-Treasury securities and Treasury securities, all having identical features in exception of credit rating. Both are...