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Limit Order

An order that is submitted by a bidder (individual or institutional investor) to an underwriter, in an initial public offering...

League Table

A list of underwriting participations by all banks in the investment banking industry. It provides rankings of investment banks in...


A provision in an initial public offering (IPO) underwriting agreement which entitles the underwriters to purchase more shares than specified...

Effective Spread

The gross underwriting spread (gross spread) that is adjusted for the impact of a common stock initial public offering's announcement...


It stands for bugle bracket; a slang term that denotes the largest global banks that operate in all regions and...

Bulge Bracket

A slang term that denotes the largest global banks that operate in all regions and offer all types of services...

Minor Bracket

The listing of the junior underwriters in a securities offering. The names of junior underwriters appear immediately under the names...

Major Bracket

The listing of the primary underwriters in a securities offering. The names of primary or major underwriters appear immediately under...


The order of appearance of underwriters' names in a securities offering. Bracketing is typically based on a given factor: particularly,...


A market action that aims to protect a newly issued stock. It involves a lead underwriter intervening in the market...