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RWA Tokenization

Real world assets A real world asset (RWA) is a type of traditional financial assets and certain types of real...

Real World Asset Tokenization

Real world assets A real world asset (RWA) is a type of traditional financial assets and certain types of real...

Tokenized RWA

Concept A tokenized real world asset (tokenized RWA) is a real world asset (RWA) that has an on-chain representation (by...

Tokenized Real World Asset

Concept A tokenized real world asset (tokenized RWA) is a real world asset (RWA) that has an on-chain representation (by...

Fungible Asset Tokenization

Asset tokenization is the process by which an issuer creates and issue digital tokens (and other types of tokenized assets)...

Crypto Token

Concept A crypto token is a specific type of digital token. It is a representation of an asset or interest...

Digital Token

A digital representation of an interest in a certain underlying aspect, which may carry value for the holder, or a...

Tokenized Derivative

A unique digital asset (a digital twin token) that represents an underlying derivative instrument issued and recorded on a different...

Asset Tokenization

Concept Asset tokenization is the process of creating digitized or tokenized assets out of a tangible or intangible asset. Tokenization...